Football and standing room only
So is it time to bring back standing and cement the true English football atmosphere back into the game. As it's been a generation since standing was allowed in the top two divisions has the argument lost its intensity. I remember when the thought of getting rid of the true English terrace drove heated debate in the national press , pubs and clubs across the country. And 100% of supporters wanted standing to stay even the supporters who frequented seated stands , as all supporters thought seats would kill the atmosphere of the game. Obviously the whole football community was horrified at Hillsborough and nobody wanted another disaster of that magnitude to happen again. We could all argue that it was bad policing on the day that caused the horrible nightmare and sadly people who left to be entertained by there team tragically came to there end in a way nobody could of imagined , especially in one of the best grounds in the country. But times have changed disasters like this w...