
Showing posts from November, 2020

Black Country Argos and Southern Casuals Speak

 Why ? As we watch football on telly and the Supporters seem to be exempt or extinct in this confusing time we carry on blindly wondering what the future holds in the game and life in general. Over the past 18 months times have changed views have changed politics have changed we are dealing with Covid the death of George Floyd which was tragic in every sense of the word and a world that's going through a change like its never seen before in the modern day. But division is a thing that seems to be a word that can be used easily in many parts of society today with Brexit and covid which has brought about both division and unity, unity in the way the country came together to protect the NHS and then division on mask wearing and soon the division on the vaccine and is it safe or not and then Black lives matter or all lives matter. So wherever  you stand on any of the issues there is one thing we can agree on and that's footballs nothing without fans or Supporters.  As we look...